I stand for performance, especially as a former professional athlete. With all its demands and possibilities our modern world pushes people and their environment to its limits. But how much can we achieve, what is healthy and which goals are right for you? With my clients I develop individual solutions for their careers.
Modern curriculum vitae are full of changes. In my diploma thesis I examined topics like end of careers, transitions, reorientations and new beginning in competitive sports.
Benefit from my experience in tennis professional sports: - adapt to new situations - coping with pressure to perform and stress - acting under pressure
Dipl.-Psych. Eva Pfaff est une psychologue certifiée en ligne d’Instahelp
✓ Première réponse dans un délai de 24 heures
✓ Prix et prestation transparents
✓ Qualité confirmée par Instahelp
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