Psychological self-test of the quality of a couple’s relationship

How strong is your relationship? Take the test to find out.

For many disorders affecting your wellbeing, taking a critical look at your own mental state can put you on course towards feeling better. This test will shed light on how happy you are with your relationship.
This is not a standardised clinical test – such tests should only ever be conducted with a psychologist or therapist in the context of professional counselling. So the results do not constitute a diagnosis and the derived parameters do not indicate where you stand in comparison with other people on average. They should serve solely as an encouragement towards self-reflection.

You should repeat the test from time to time. If you happen to be in an acutely difficult situation right now, like divorce, strains at work or the like, or perhaps dealing with a sad loss, it’s understandable that your mental state may be reflected in poorer values. Moreover, everyone has a bad day from time to time, when it’s hard to muster any joy or positive thoughts. So don’t give too much emphasis to bad results but rather take them much more as indications that it’s time to do yourself a favour and look for ways in which you might recharge your batteries. Do the test again after a while – you’ll see how, even after a steep turn for the worse, things can get better.

If no other time period is stated, then the questions relate to estimates over the last 14 days. As a rule the potential answers are grouped like school marks. The first potential answer, ranked all the way to the left, gets one point whilst the last gets five points. Enter your scores by each question and add up your total at the end of each test.
This test only makes sense if you’ve been in a close relationship with your partner for more than eight months.
1) My partner always understands what I really mean.
highly applicable
not at all applicable
not at all applicable
2) In difficult situations we always stick together.
highly applicable
not at all applicable
not at all applicable
3) Even when there’s a dispute, the situation almost never escalates.
highly applicable
not at all applicable
not at all applicable
4) I do many things together with my partner.
highly applicable
not at all applicable
not at all applicable
5) We are a good and winning team in all spheres of life.
highly applicable
not at all applicable
not at all applicable
6) In my relationship I find comfort, tenderness and erotic satisfaction.
highly applicable
not at all applicable
not at all applicable
7) Sharing the housework works really well between the two of us.
highly applicable
not at all applicable
not at all applicable
8) The overall work – that is job, kids and household taken together – is fairly distributed.
highly applicable
not at all applicable
not at all applicable
9) In my relationship I find serenity, support and comfort.
highly applicable
not at all applicable
not at all applicable
10) We can talk about everything very openly.
highly applicable
not at all applicable
not at all applicable
11) When we talk things through, I have the feeling that we’ve sorted something out and that I am in good hands emotionally.
highly applicable
not at all applicable
not at all applicable
12) I never feel that my partner criticises me unfairly.
highly applicable
not at all applicable
not at all applicable
13) My partner often makes me feel strong and happy.
highly applicable
not at all applicable
not at all applicable
14) Our relationship is the source of security and strength for my life.
highly applicable
not at all applicable
not at all applicable