Psychologische Online-Tests - Teste dich selbst

Ein kritischer Blick auf die eigene Befindlichkeit kann in Situationen, in denen man sich nicht so wohl fühlt, ein erster Schritt zur Besserung sein. Diese psychologischen Online-Tests helfen dir dabei. Alle unsere Selbsttests sind anonym, kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung durchführbar.

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Psychological self-tests

Psychologischer Selbsttest - Ärger

Psychological self-test for anger

You often don’t know how to manage your anger and might burst into a rage in such situations? Determine whether you can find ways to deal with your anger.
Test: How easily do I get angry?
Psychologischer Selbsttest - Angst

Psychological self-test for anxiety

Do you have a bad feeling about the future and are you anxious about unfamiliar situations? Find out the extent to which you suffer from anxiety.
Test: Do you suffer from anxiety disorder?
Psychologischer Selbsttest - Chronische Unzufriedenheit

Psychological self-test for chronic dissatisfaction

Do you feel irritated by people and do you get stressed easily as a result? Determine whether you suffer from chronic dissatisfaction.
Test: Are you always dissatisfied?

Depressionstest - Habe ich Depressionen? Wie erkenne ich, ob ich depressiv bin?

Psychological self-test for depression

Do you often reproach yourself and would you rather spend the whole day at home or in bed? Find out whether you have depressive tendencies.
Test: Do you suffer from depression?

Psychological self-test for exhaustion

Do you feel burnt out or weak and do you find all the incoming tasks put you under strain straight away? Find out how your strength levels are standing right now.
Test: Do you feel exhausted all the time?

Psychological self-test for self-efficacy

Are you optimistic and do you see problems as a welcome opportunity to prove your strengths? Find out how daring you are.
Test: How’s your self-esteem?

Psychological self-test for symptoms of stress

Do you have trouble getting to sleep, do you feel tense and do you react frantically to some situations? Determine the extent to which you’re under stress.
Test: How high is your stress level?
Psychologischer Selbsttest - Körperlicher Beschwerdedruck

Psychological self-test for trouble with physical complaints

Do you feel tired and weak? This test gives you information about your physical condition and possibly existing tensions at the same time.
Test: Do you suffer from physical complaints?
Psychologischer Selbsttest - Berufliche Belastung

Psychological self-test for work pressure

Do you feel overtaxed or does thinking about work make you feel queasy? Find out how much your work is troubling you.
Test: Overtaxed at work?

Psychologischer Selbsttest - Qualität der Paarbeziehung

Psychological self-test of the quality of a couple’s relationship

Do you and your partner make a perfect team and do you always find common ground in difficult situations? Determine how content you are with your relationship.
Test: How’s your relationship?

Psychological test of your social network and loneliness

Are there people in your circle of friends with whom you can share sorrow and joy? Determine the quality of the way you relate to other people.
Test: How active is your social life?