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Domestic Isolation – Challenge or Chance?

Other-directed and sudden domestic isolation is a big challenge for your psychological wellbeing – Feelings of fear, anger and deprivation of liberty could trigger depressive symptoms and in the worst case even post-traumatic stress reactions.

Quarantine: Trigger for individual psychological reactions

Depending on the life situation, it could differ how someone feels about quarantine – A single probably feels lonely, whereas someone in a relationship maybe is longing for some minutes for himself. Especially, if kids are involved the situation needs a lot of adjustment performance from all sides – Suddenly, the own four walls must be transformed into an “adventure park”, and attention must be provided 24 hours a day.

How isolation could turn into a chance for growth

With a few small steps you could handle the situation well, and in the best case you get out of it even stronger than before:

  • If you live by yourself, it is very important that you do not isolate yourself completely. The internet offers many options to get connected with other people, and to stay in touch with friends. Do not be ashamed to get professional help if the feelings of loneliness get overwhelming. You could use for example the psychological counselling at Instahelp in written form as well as by telephone – with or without video!
  • To have a lot of time out of the sudden could be a wonderful chance for a relationship, or a family to get closer to each other again, and to enjoy spending quality time together. It is important here, not to stay in a waiting, passive attitude, but to stay active and to plan your day in a meaningful way.
  • Allow yourself and/or your loved ones special moment, especially during such challenging moments: Cook something special and enjoy it, play games and be creative together, clean out your home and do things, which you avoided to do until now.
  • Accept your feelings – not every day is the same! Even, if negative emotions are overwhelming you there are methods you could learn to handle with those mental or emotional states.

Offer your help to others

Science found out that resilience is growing if you do good things for others. Our brain treats us by releasing happiness hormones and with the feeling of meaningfulness. You do not have to move the world – Just offer your neighbour to do his or her grocery shopping or call someone who might feel lonely.

Photo credits: unsplash.com/@hamzaports

Erstellt am: 26. November 2020
Anxiety and phobias - Instahelp