Mag. Christina Stefan

Christina Stefan -

• 24 years of experience in psychological counselling
Languages: English, German
Age: 55

May I introduce myself?

If the professional plays into the private and the private into the professional, you've come to the right place!

Forms of counselling
  • Video chat
  • Phone chat
Specialised in
  • Overwork & conflicts at work

    Your days are so busy and you want to be less exhausted in the evening, want to be able to relax more easily and fall asleep and sleep through the night restfully? This will also increase your conflict resolution potential.

  • Psychosomatic complaints

    Long-term stress can lead to sleep problems, among others. That is why I specialized on coaching of stress-related sleep disorders (insomnia). Medical hypnosis also helps with irritable bowel syndrome, tinnitus, migraines etc.

Fully booked All places taken

Counselling topics

Counselling methods

  • Autogenic training
  • Hypnosis (method)
  • Cognitive and/or learning theory approach

Counselling model and prices

Initial session
introductory offer
30 min. counselling
€ 49
30 min. counselling
€ 55
50 min. counselling Standard
€ 79

Fully booked

Mag. Christina Stefan is a certified Instahelp online psychologist

✓ Initial response within 24 hours
✓ Transparent prices and services
✓ Quality confirmed by Instahelp

Counselling times

The indicated times are not binding. Please note that it is not yet possible to book an appointment directly via the displayed timetable.

00:00 —
6:00 —
12:00 —
18:00 —
24:00 —

1226 profile requests | Updated: 10.05.2024
