Helena Summerer MSc.

Helena Summerer - Counselling psychologist
9 reviews

• Counselling psychologist

• 4 years of experience in psychological counselling
Languages: German
Age: 31

May I introduce myself?

Herzlich willkommen ! In meiner Praxis schauen wir uns ganzheitlich Ihr "Hier & Jetzt" an, Ihre jeweiligen Herausforderungen unter Einbezug Ihrer Lebenswelt, ggf. auch biografische Aspekte. Das Ziel: die eigene Persönlichkeit kennen lernen & verwirklichen, Vitalität & Selbsthilfe - Ich freue mich auf Sie !

Forms of counselling
  • Video chat
  • Phone chat
  • Text chat
Specialised in
  • Depressive mood

    Das Fitting der eigenen Persönlichkeit, des Systems&des Berufes beeinflusst, wie wie wir uns fühlen -ist die Passung nicht gegeben, resultiert Depression. Gemeinsam sehen wir genau hin und identifizieren entsprechende Ankerpunkte.

  • Self-esteem & personality

    Als Gestalttherapeutin lege ich den Fokus v.a.auf die "Basics" : wie Sie mit Ihrer Umgebung i.d.R. in Kontakt treten, welchen Persönlichkeitsanteilen Sie (nicht) Raum geben und warum und welche Anteile verwirklicht werden wollen!

Fully booked All places taken

Latest reviews

15. August 2024

einfach toll und hilfreich

01. July 2024

No comment

18. June 2024

No comment, an anonymous client with the topic "Anxieties"

23. April 2024

No comment, an anonymous client with the topic "Depressive mood"

Counselling topics

Counselling methods

  • Gestalt approach
  • Integrative approach
  • Client/person-centred approach
  • Solution-focused brief therapy
  • Psychoanalytic approach
  • Systemic approach
  • Depth psychology approach

Counselling model and prices

Initial session
introductory offer
30 min. counselling
€ 49
30 min. counselling
€ 55
50 min. counselling Standard
€ 79

Fully booked

Helena Summerer MSc. is a certified Instahelp online psychologist

✓ Initial response within 24 hours
✓ Transparent prices and services
✓ Quality confirmed by Instahelp

Counselling times

The indicated times are not binding. Please note that it is not yet possible to book an appointment directly via the displayed timetable.

00:00 —
6:00 —
12:00 —
18:00 —
24:00 —


Best rated category

I perceive the exchange with my psychologist as helpful support.

9 reviews

What reviews are displayed?

  • 15. August 2024

    einfach toll und hilfreich

  • 01. July 2024

    No comment

  • 18. June 2024

    No comment, an anonymous client with the topic "Anxieties"

  • 23. April 2024

    No comment, an anonymous client with the topic "Depressive mood"

  • 09. February 2024

    Ich brauche gerade erstmal eine Pause ... Weil so viel auf einmal passiert....

  • 22. December 2023

    No comment, an anonymous client with the topic "Depressive mood"

  • 15. December 2023

    No comment, an anonymous client with the topic "Self-esteem & personality"

  • 31. October 2023

    No comment, an anonymous client with the topic "Loss & trauma"

One further review is not displayed publicly at the request of the Instahelp customer.

"What questions are asked for review? Show all questions"
  1. I have the feeling that my psychologist understands me.
  2. I have realised connections that I have not been aware of before.
  3. I have trust in my psychologist.
  4. I feel that my psychologist appreciates me.
  5. I perceive the exchange with my psychologist as helpful support.

Fully booked All places taken

2921 profile requests | Updated: 02.11.2023
