Dr. Albana Canollari-Baze

Albana Canollari-Baze - Psychologin

• Psychologin

• 23 Jahre Erfahrung in der psychologischen Beratung
Sprachen: Englisch, Albanisch
Alter: 44

Darf ich mich kurz vorstellen?

Miresevini! Kontakti i pare me psikologun nuk eshte i lehte,por nje hap perpara drejt ndryshimit.Per vite kam deshmuar sesi individe te ndryshem tejkalojne sfida personale dhe fitojne nje ndryshim rrenjesor te perspektives se tyre per jeten.Do te pershkruani rrugetimin nga nje vend i zymte te rritja e besimit te vetja per te arrire objektivat tuaja

  • Video-Chat
  • Audio-Chat
  • Text-Chat
Spezialisiert auf
  • Stress

  • Beruf & Karriere

Erstgespräch starten Freie Plätze verfügbar
Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Insta Communications GmbH



  • Analytische Psychologie
  • Verhaltenstherapeutischer Ansatz
  • Klienten-/Personzentrierter Ansatz
  • Kognitiver und/oder lerntheoretischer Ansatz
  • Focusing
  • Lösungsorientierte Kurzzeittherapie
  • Videogestütztes Training

Berufliche Qualifikation

10/2018 – Heute

Instahelp Certified Psychologist

09/2006 – Heute

University professor of psychology at various international institutions specialized in youth identity development, socio-cultural experiences as migrant, expatriate and student, organizational behaviour, as well as experience with abuse and trauma.

10/2022 – 08/2023

Certified Professional Coach at the International Coaching Institute, Geneva, course accredited by ICF

01/2020 – 03/2020

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy course with Beck Institute.

10/2007 – 12/2012

Doctorate in Psychology

09/2005 – 05/2006

Postgraduate diploma in Human Resources Management: Focus on Organizational Behavior.

09/2004 – 10/2005

Master's degree in Psychology: Focus on Youth identity development. Practice at Oxford Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre.

09/2001 – 06/2004

Bachelor of Sciences in Psychology: Focus on Understanding Well-being of individuals from different cultural background. Practice at Family Nurturing Network.


30 Minuten zum Kennenlerntarif
€ 49
30 Minuten
€ 59
50 Minuten Standard
€ 89

Erstgespräch starten

Dr. Albana Canollari-Baze ist zertifizierte Instahelp Psychologin

✓ Erstantwort innerhalb von 24 Stunden
✓ Transparente Preise und Leistungen
✓ Qualität von Instahelp garantiert


Die verfügbaren Zeiten (in Grün) sind unverbindlich. Eine direkte Terminbuchung über die angezeigte Übersicht ist nicht möglich.

00:00 —
6:00 —
12:00 —
18:00 —
24:00 —

Berufliche Qualifikation

10/2018 – Heute

Instahelp Certified Psychologist

09/2006 – Heute

University professor of psychology at various international institutions specialized in youth identity development, socio-cultural experiences as migrant, expatriate and student, organizational behaviour, as well as experience with abuse and trauma.

10/2022 – 08/2023

Certified Professional Coach at the International Coaching Institute, Geneva, course accredited by ICF

01/2020 – 03/2020

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy course with Beck Institute.

10/2007 – 12/2012

Doctorate in Psychology

09/2005 – 05/2006

Postgraduate diploma in Human Resources Management: Focus on Organizational Behavior.

09/2004 – 10/2005

Master's degree in Psychology: Focus on Youth identity development. Practice at Oxford Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre.

09/2001 – 06/2004

Bachelor of Sciences in Psychology: Focus on Understanding Well-being of individuals from different cultural background. Practice at Family Nurturing Network.

13663 Profilaufrufe | Aktualisiert: 20.11.2024
