M.Sc. Amalia Reichelt

Amalia Reichelt - Klinische Psychologin

• Klinische Psychologin

• 8 Jahre Erfahrung in der psychologischen Beratung
Sprachen: Englisch, Deutsch, Rumänisch
Alter: 42

Darf ich mich kurz vorstellen?

Bine ați venit! În calitate de psiholog clinician, sunt pasionat să îmi ajut clienții să înțeleagă complexitatea comportamentului lor, a emoțiilor și a proceselor mentale. Prin ascultare plină de compasiune, cercetare și tehnici bazate pe dovezi, îmi propun să ghidez persoanele spre calea de auto-descoperire, creștere și autovindecare.

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Spezialisiert auf
  • Partnerschaft & Sexualität

    Prin strategii personalizate și îndrumare empatică, sprijin cuplurile în construirea unor baze solide despre gestionarea conflictelor, explorarea intimitatii, si cultivarea de relații armonioase de durată.

  • Selbstwert & Persönlichkeit

    Împreună, putem conduce o călătorie transformatoare către adevăratul tău Sine, creând o viață plină de încredere în sine și împlinire. Vom construi o bază solidă de auto-apreciere, încredere și respect de sine pozitiv.

Ausgebucht Alle Plätze belegt
Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Insta Communications GmbH



  • Integrativer Ansatz
  • Beziehungstherapie
  • Systemischer Ansatz
  • Transaktionsanalytischer Ansatz

Berufliche Qualifikation

01/2023 – Heute

Systemic Counseling for Individuals, Families and Couples - Advanced education at IFS, Essen.

01/2020 – Heute

Online psychological counseling in my own practice, specialized in systemic counseling snd relationships. Second specialization in working with people with migration background.

10/2020 – 03/2023

M.S.c Clinical Psychology and Psychological Empowerment, MEU University, München. Master Thesis: Antagonistic attitudes towards refugees (Mar,2023).

01/2021 – 10/2021

Sexual Therapy, Sexology Institute, Romania, Advanced education.

01/2021 – 06/2021

Motivational Interviewing Training, USA, Advanced education.

06/2020 – 10/2020

Gestalt Therapy Techniques, John Academy, UK- Online Education.

04/2020 – 06/2020

Psychological First Aid, John Hopkins University - Online Educatiion.

01/2019 – 06/2020

Human Resources development, Deutsche Akademie für Management, Berlin - Advanced Education.

11/2019 – 11/2019

4th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on children and adolescents.

10/2016 – 06/2019

Bachelor in Psychology, University of psychology, Bucharest.

06/2016 – 06/2017

Transactional Analysis Training, Bucharest, Advanced Education.


  • Paarberatung
  • Einzelberatung
  • Online-Beratung

Beratungsmodelle und Preis

zum Kennenlerntarif:
30 Min. Beratung
€ 49
Weiterführende Beratung
30 Min. Beratung
€ 55
50 Min. Beratung Standard
€ 79
75 Min. Paarberatung (1 Zugang pro Paar)
€ 155


M.Sc. Amalia Reichelt ist zertifizierte Instahelp Psychologin

✓ Erstantwort innerhalb von 24 Stunden
✓ Transparente Preise und Leistungen
✓ Qualität von Instahelp garantiert


Die verfügbaren Zeiten (in Grün) sind unverbindlich. Eine direkte Terminbuchung über die angezeigte Übersicht ist nicht möglich.

00:00 —
6:00 —
12:00 —
18:00 —
24:00 —

Berufliche Qualifikation

01/2023 – Heute

Systemic Counseling for Individuals, Families and Couples - Advanced education at IFS, Essen.

01/2020 – Heute

Online psychological counseling in my own practice, specialized in systemic counseling snd relationships. Second specialization in working with people with migration background.

10/2020 – 03/2023

M.S.c Clinical Psychology and Psychological Empowerment, MEU University, München. Master Thesis: Antagonistic attitudes towards refugees (Mar,2023).

01/2021 – 10/2021

Sexual Therapy, Sexology Institute, Romania, Advanced education.

01/2021 – 06/2021

Motivational Interviewing Training, USA, Advanced education.

06/2020 – 10/2020

Gestalt Therapy Techniques, John Academy, UK- Online Education.

04/2020 – 06/2020

Psychological First Aid, John Hopkins University - Online Educatiion.

01/2019 – 06/2020

Human Resources development, Deutsche Akademie für Management, Berlin - Advanced Education.

11/2019 – 11/2019

4th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on children and adolescents.

10/2016 – 06/2019

Bachelor in Psychology, University of psychology, Bucharest.

06/2016 – 06/2017

Transactional Analysis Training, Bucharest, Advanced Education.


  • Paarberatung
  • Einzelberatung
  • Online-Beratung

1266 Profilaufrufe | Aktualisiert: 22.04.2024
