Welcome to the Instahelp online magazine

We aim to enrich your life with articles about your mental health. Tips for everyday living and arranging your work to be stress-free, reports of personal experience and helpful advice from psychologists.
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Job and carreer

Healthy Distance Leadership – Success Tips for Leaders

2021 is still a year of home office and changed working conditions. As a leader, you do not have your team next to you or even in the company. Thus, healthy distance leadership is even more important. How can leaders successfully implement it? Read more in this article about how to lead your employees with
Mental Wellness Culture: A success story between Instahelp and KNAPP Industry Solutions | ivii GmbH
Job and carreer

Mental Wellness Culture: A success story between Instahelp and KNAPP Industry Solutions | ivii GmbH

The topic of preventive health care is a particularly important concern for Knapp Industry Solutions and ivii GmbH. This is reflected in the great commitment to their employees. With their own KNAPP Campus, KNAPP Industry Solutions and ivii GmbH stand for the development of new and innovative technologies – they are now also taking new,
Psychological Online Counselling – Efficacy and Benefit for Companies
Job and carreer

Psychological Online Counselling – Efficacy and Benefit for Companies

Are you in a leading position and did you ever think: “What do I care about the (mental) problems of my employees?” This thought could have expensive consequences for companies. In Germany, psychological problems in the job cause about 147 billion euros per year (DGGPN, 2018). Fortunately, there are measures for companies to reduce, or

How To Find Psychotherapeutic Support – Psychological Care in Germany
Job and carreer

How To Find Psychotherapeutic Support – Psychological Care in Germany

Year by year there is an increase of economic costs caused by days of loss of working hours because of psychological diseases. Almost one fifth of sick leaves in Germany are caused by mental problems. This means economic damage over 147 billion euros per year. Therefore, workplace health promotion (WHP) and reducing of medical expenses
Remote Work: Will Home Office Be the Work Model of the Future?
Job and carreer

Remote Work: Will Home Office Be the Work Model of the Future?

Your own home as your working space? No long ways to work, no perfect styling, and less stress in the morning? The advantages of working from home for employees are clear. But what are the advantages for companies if they offer flexible working? Furthermore, for employees, there are disadvantages as well, which could develop into

Burnout Treatment – These are the Costs for a Company
Job and carreer

Burnout Treatment – These are the Costs for a Company

More and more employees in companies see themselves confronted with work stress and pressure to perform. This could develop into burnout, reduced efficiency, and in the worst-case into an inability to work. Diagnosis: Burnout. For companies, healthy employees are the greatest asset. Therefore, burnout prevention is an important factor. Because the long-term consequences of burnout
Corona unter Palmen – Instahelp lebt eine Mental Health Culture
Job and carreer

Corona unter Palmen – Instahelp lebt eine Mental Health Culture

Unternehmen haben längst erkannt, dass die Gesundheit ihrer Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen weit mehr bedeutet als das Fernbleiben körperlicher Erkrankungen. In vielen Bereichen ist der Arbeitsplatz kein Feld mehr, in dem man einfach zu “funktionieren” hat – “Mental Health and Wellbeing” gewinnen zunehmend an Bedeutung.

What can I expect from online counselling?
Mental Health

What can I expect from online counselling?

  Today everything is really too much for me. Enough is enough. Now I’m going to tackle it.   Only what is actually happening here?And will this really get me anywhere?
Mental Wellness Culture: A success story between Instahelp and Allianz
Job and carreer

Mental Wellness Culture: A success story between Instahelp and Allianz

Health care is a particularly important issue for Allianz in Austria. This is reflected not only in modern and holistic insurance solutions for its customers but also in its great commitment to its employees.

Multiple stress in the family: 5 tips to relieve

Multiple stress in the family: 5 tips to relieve

There I sit now – feeding sultanas and nuts for the sugar and energy kick so that I can overcome my depression to write this article. The baby is sleeping right now (finally! Active Child!), and the two older kids are, thank God, for the neighbour children. Quickly answered an enquiry by mail. The kitchen
Dealing with existential concerns and fear of the future – Will it ever be the same again?
Anxiety and phobias

Dealing with existential concerns and fear of the future – Will it ever be the same again?

Where will all this lead to? When will normality finally return? Will we ever recover from this? These and many other questions are currently haunting the minds of mankind – quite understandable when you consider that most of us have never before experienced a comparable situation and have learned from it whether and how such

Stress-free in your home office: How to find your working mode
Job and carreer

Stress-free in your home office: How to find your working mode

The exceptional situation surrounding the coronavirus brings the laptop onto the desk at home, or even onto the kitchen table. Those who can, currently work from home, and this often proves to be a greater challenge than initially thought. With these tips, we would like to help you find a new way of working that
From Physical to Psychological Anxiety: That’s How Our Worries About the Coronavirus Change
Anxiety and phobias

From Physical to Psychological Anxiety: That’s How Our Worries About the Coronavirus Change

The coronavirus is our company for some months now. Besides the physical impacts, the psychological consequences of the crisis get more and more into the focus. Uncertain future perspectives, economic effects, but also existential fears are shown through our mental state. We tell you how psychologic online counselling could help here and which are the

How to Strengthen Your Resilience: 4 Tips for a Crisis

How to Strengthen Your Resilience: 4 Tips for a Crisis

We all are sitting in the same boat! Now we must learn to get closer to each other and to support each other! If we now act together, we could get out of this crisis even stronger… Those and many other well-meant sentences should ease the past economic as well as the personal challenging months
Quarantine, a Positive Test Result and Handling Media News
Anxiety and phobias

Quarantine, a Positive Test Result and Handling Media News

The coronavirus is our company for some months now and many of us made more or less intense experiences with it.  For example, the long and agonizing waiting for the test result, quarantine, prescribed by law, or the flood of information, we are partly forced to consume. Of course, all of this does not pass

Kids and Corona: How to Explain the Situation to Them?

Kids and Corona: How to Explain the Situation to Them?

Autumn is here! And so, we leave behind a summer, which at times made us feel like we would be allowed to have back a piece of normality. Even more painful it is to lose it again step by step. Do you know this feeling? Not even 5 minutes are passing before you hear the
Loneliness and Extreme Closeness – How Different We Experience This Exceptional Situation

Loneliness and Extreme Closeness – How Different We Experience This Exceptional Situation

Many people actually suffer from being locked in at home day and night with their loved ones. What for someone is too much, for another person is too less: Especially older persons withdraw from social life, because they are afraid, or they have reasonable caution, so they feel deep loneliness and feel abandoned. We are

Domestic Isolation – Challenge or Chance?
Anxiety and phobias

Domestic Isolation – Challenge or Chance?

Other-directed and sudden domestic isolation is a big challenge for your psychological wellbeing – Feelings of fear, anger and deprivation of liberty could trigger depressive symptoms and in the worst case even post-traumatic stress reactions.
Trypophobia: Fear and Disgust of Holes and the iPhone
Anxiety and phobias

Trypophobia: Fear and Disgust of Holes and the iPhone

Caroline does not have any problems in her daily life, but as soon as she sees a collection of small holes, or cracks, she feels queasy. She feels anxious, stressed, and disgusted and she must look away. An example of it would be a honeycomb, but it could also be triggered by a cracked wall.

I Can’t Take It Anymore, What Should I do? 5 Tips to Overcome a Crisis

I Can’t Take It Anymore, What Should I do? 5 Tips to Overcome a Crisis

“I can’t take it anymore” – A thought that not many people in our performance-oriented society tell others about. We are used to be fine all the time, not showing weakness and even less we say, “It is just too much for me”. As an answer to the question “How are you?”, we expect “Thanks,
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder – Causes and Symptoms

Obsessive-compulsive Disorder – Causes and Symptoms

Michael’s life is controlled by his obsessive-compulsive disorder – day by day. He must repeat each action again and again and must think each thought repeatedly. Therefore he, for example, is controlling day by day, if he had locked the door. However, this action is not voluntary, his compulsory control is controlling of his life.

Sleep Disorders – Causes and What to Do About It

Sleep Disorders – Causes and What to Do About It

You have already counted thousands of sheep, drank the third cup of sleep the and you have read the hundredth side of the book. Anyways, you still do not find rest. The bad news: If you do not get enough energy through sleep, caused by problems of falling and remaining asleep, you feel tired all
Bipolar Disorder – Life Between Depression and Mania

Bipolar Disorder – Life Between Depression and Mania

Extremely happy in one moment and deeply depressed in the next – People, suffering from a bipolar disorder has extreme changes in their mood. They find themselves either in a feeling of elation, the mania or in depression. That is where the name bipolar comes from. The emotional state changes rapidly in mood, motivation, and

Miscarriage – What Is About the Emotional Pain?
Death and grieving

Miscarriage – What Is About the Emotional Pain?

The anticipation about the childbirth, plans about life with the baby, dreams about having a family. All of this goes along with being pregnant, but there are also scenarios, in which the unborn baby does not survive. It comes to a miscarriage: The child dies before it is survivable. Medics call it miscarriage until a
What is Procrastination and How to Overcome It

What is Procrastination and How to Overcome It

On your desk is a stack of documents, which need to be organised by you? The bills for your tax declaration are still lost in your flat? Welcome to the reality of many people. If we do not feel happy doing some things, we tend to procrastinate. Some people even procrastinate when it comes to

Burnout – Signs and Reasons of the syndrom

Burnout – Signs and Reasons of the syndrom

Burned out, weak and powerless, alive, but used up inside: This is how people suffering from burnout feel. Exhaustion, overload, and psychic stress are the words, which are now the centre of attention in the life of burnout patients. The increase of the pressure to perform in our society goes hand in hand with more
Depression – Symptoms and Causes of the Mental Illness

Depression – Symptoms and Causes of the Mental Illness

People, suffering from depression describe it as a black hole and a vicious circle of negativity. Society describes it as an excuse and laziness. Hardly any other psychological disease is more stressful and at the same timeless accepted than depression. About 350 million people worldwide suffer from it. Many people do not talk about it,

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) – Symptoms and Causes
Anxiety and phobias

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) – Symptoms and Causes

You’ve probably heard of a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) yet and maybe you asked yourself, what this means. It is normal for a human being to be afraid: Afraid of concrete situations, for example talking in front of a group, at a job interview, or on a date. Each person has different fears and under
Cognitive behavioral therapy: Procedure and effects
Mental Health

Cognitive behavioral therapy: Procedure and effects

You might have informed yourself about the topic psychotherapy already. If yes, then you probably have recognized, that there are plenty of methods. Each of them has a specific way of treatment and concentrates on a different main focus. In this article, you will learn more about cognitive behavioural therapy. It is one of the

Ten ways towards a deeper relationship

Ten ways towards a deeper relationship

Many relationships are unsatisfying because they remain too superficial. Following these 10 methods you can bring your partnership to the next level – and strengthen the bond between you.
Five simple rules for improving communication in the team
Job and carreer

Five simple rules for improving communication in the team

Erfolgreicher Teamarbeit liegt meist eine Sache zugrunde: erfolgreiche Kommunikation im Team! Gut kommunizierende Teams entstehen meist nicht von allein und sie brauchen etwas “Pflege”. Aber die gute Nachricht ist: mit den richtigen Kommunikationsregeln kann jeder die Kommunikation im Team verbessern.

Why people fall out of love and how it’s possible to get love back

Why people fall out of love and how it’s possible to get love back

A frequent reason given for splitting up is “I don’t love you any more”. What actually lies behind that? And: can you get it back? We discussed this with Mag. Erwin Jäggle, a psychotherapist who also deals with couples.
Mental Health: 5 reasons why the psyche deserves our attention
Mental Health

Mental Health: 5 reasons why the psyche deserves our attention

Imagine you have a bad cold and fever. What do you typically do? Normally you would go to the doctor and ask to be granted sick leave. If anyone asks how you are, you’ll say “Not very well, I have a cold.” Normal, right? But what would you do if you were suffering from depression?

Counselling & CBT via chat: certainly convenient, but does it work?
Mental Health

Counselling & CBT via chat: certainly convenient, but does it work?

The web has entered dynamically all aspects of our lives: For tracing our next job or home, for our ‘obedient fellow traveller/guide’ (GPS!), for discovering our next exotic destination, or for digging out our chances for love. However easy or hard it may be to find any of this, the wealth of information we can
Eight wonderful ways of saying “I love you”

Eight wonderful ways of saying “I love you”

Those three words “I love you” aren’t always the most enchanting ways of declaring your love. If you say these factual things to your partner, they will feel addressed in an altogether personal way. This way you can strengthen your relationship every day.

The 7 pillars of resilience – including implementation tips
Job and carreer

The 7 pillars of resilience – including implementation tips

When people enjoy healthy psychological development and indeed become stronger despite serious burdens or adverse circumstances in their lives, this is termed resilience. Through the 7 pillars of resilience you can also see precisely how.
Five tips against boredom in the office
Job and carreer

Five tips against boredom in the office

There’s nowhere as boring as the office? Then something’s amiss and you need to counter it. Using these simple tips for avoiding boredom in the office will yield an improvement or at least bring variety to the working day, protecting you against the dreaded boreout.

Dealing with depression: tips for relatives/friends

Dealing with depression: tips for relatives/friends

For people suffering from depression, the social environment plays an important role. Be they family, friends or colleagues at work, social contacts are immensely important. Always. But above all if someone is caught in depression.
The dark side of the Force: the story of my depression

The dark side of the Force: the story of my depression

I call it “the dark side of the Force” because depression is terribly dark and has tremendous power. Like a black hole. This is the story of a case of depression, my depression, the like of which confronts many others day by day. Every year, there are more.

10 things we don’t have to do at all

10 things we don’t have to do at all

Often we think we need to do certain things without questioning at all whether this really is the case. Here are 10 things that we can safely do without.
Writing your way to new perspectives – online counselling via text chat
Mental Health

Writing your way to new perspectives – online counselling via text chat

Online counselling is a heterogeneous concept. It can be conducted through a wide variety of channels, either synchronously or asynchronously. This also gives rise to different ways of counselling: from moderated forum and on through one-to-one or group chats, (video) telephony to asynchronous writing, that is classic email counselling.

How can you recognise depression and what can you do about it?

How can you recognise depression and what can you do about it?

According to the German Federal Ministry of Health, about 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. But the real figure could be many times higher. That’s shocking. So it’s all the more important to make society and each individual more aware of this illness. Those who observe themselves attentively can react much more quickly and
The top five regrets of the dying

The top five regrets of the dying

Living a happy and fulfilled life so that there’s as little as possible to regret at the end? Not so simple, apparently. How else could a book entitled “The Top Five Regrets of The Dying” get on the best-seller lists? Indeed, why did I buy this book, given that I had always skirted round the

Dealing with death
Death and grieving

Dealing with death

In our western society, death is often a taboo subject and, above all, seen as something exclusively negative. Most people are only confronted by the topic when someone they love dies or they themselves approach death as a result of a serious illness or accident.
What does a lemon have to do with fear? How to deal with panic attacks
Anxiety and phobias

What does a lemon have to do with fear? How to deal with panic attacks

“Suddenly I feel dizzy and sick. My knees give in and I fear I might fall over and lose consciousness. I might have a brain tumour. My heart is racing, my chest feels tight and I fear I’m having a heart attack.” This is how a client described her experience, which points to panic attacks.

More structure in your working life: tips for working efficiently
Job and carreer

More structure in your working life: tips for working efficiently

Too much work, too little time – a problem that’s certainly familiar to many. One solution for escaping long-term stress is working more efficiently. Using these simple tips, you can achieve that.
8 ways in which strong women quite often stand in their own way

8 ways in which strong women quite often stand in their own way

Quite often, strong women make life difficult for themselves. Why not change your modus operandi and discover how easy many things can suddenly can? Here we sing the praises of multifaceted femininity, where women are allowed to be strong and weak.

Enduringly mentally fit in your job. But how?
Job and carreer

Enduringly mentally fit in your job. But how?

Many people experience today’s world of work not so much as meaningful but rather as burdensome and overtaxing. Flexibility, rapid workflow, production in line with customer requirements and high service quality are demanded. But any piece of work flows more easily if it’s a pleasure to do. On the other hand, anxiety, frustration or frequent
How to refresh your relationship and fall in love all over again

How to refresh your relationship and fall in love all over again

There comes a point when everyday life weighs on every relationship. If we get active at exactly this point and refresh our relationship, we’ll be rewarded for it: with the joys of spring just like the first day!

The articles in the Instahelp online magazine build on personal stories and experience. We want to give our writers the freedom to express their own thoughts. This means that the articles are an expression of the authors’ own opinions and don’t necessarily reflect the opinions of Instahelp.

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Vertraulich und flexibel

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