Ein kritischer Blick auf die eigene Befindlichkeit kann in Situationen, in denen man sich nicht so wohl fühlt, ein erster Schritt zur Besserung sein. Diese psychologischen Online-Tests helfen dir dabei. Alle unsere Selbsttests sind anonym, kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung durchführbar.
You often don’t know how to manage your anger and might burst into a rage in such situations? Determine whether you can find ways to deal with your anger.
Do you feel burnt out or weak and do you find all the incoming tasks put you under strain straight away? Find out how your strength levels are standing right now.
Do you have trouble getting to sleep, do you feel tense and do you react frantically to some situations? Determine the extent to which you’re under stress.
Do you and your partner make a perfect team and do you always find common ground in difficult situations? Determine how content you are with your relationship.